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Published on: Cable Survey

Introducing Fieldsight® GND – Pocket size survey device, AI-vision and GIS 2024

Fieldsight® GND – New multi-purpose product for high-precision survey needs

Fieldsight® solution continuously introduce new innovation for cable survey digitalization needs. One of our radical innovations for year 2024 is the new Fieldsight® GND product, which is pocket size multi-purpose high-precision survey device.

Fieldsight® GND is equipped with simple user interface, making it easy for any field employee to measure high accuracy geo points just with a one button press. The product combines AI and machine vision technology for automatic object detection. The small product size makes it possible to do geo survey without carrying large case and GPS survey stick along also taking a lot of space from a car trunk. The product ships out with standard GPS stick for users who want to continue surveying with the standard stick based approach. For on-hand survey the device includes holder and utilizes augmented reality survey experience.

All Fieldsight products are designed and manufactured in Finland.

GND monopod

The Fieldsight GND product is controlled using Fieldsight® App available from the Google Play store. The app enables easy real-time survey experience with images and AI-based object detections.

All Fieldsight® products are designed for harsh operating environments. By default each Fieldsight product bundle RTK correction service.

The product continuous use-time is ~15 hours, which will satisfy long survey day. Device is charged from regular using USB-C connector.

Fieldsight GND embeds high-performance antenna supporting extreme tilts making survey possible in 90 degree sideways orientation as well.

Product and holder designs are unique and design protected.

Fieldsight GIS (2024)

Along with other new devices and firmware updates for the year 2024 we also introduce new real-time geographical information system (GIS) interface for web, Fieldsight GIS.

This completely renewed UI introduces fast processing capabilities to present large data sets such as city electricity network routes shown on a mobile phone browser. The GIS also fetches land owner property borders automatically to the map. The new interface has all previous cool features such as 360 degree photo on-site site view etc.

All collected geo survey material can be visually mastered prior sending data to network information system.

Flexible survey styles meeting surveyor and customer requirements

Fieldsight GND supports variety of survey styles, which comply customer requirements with easy usability and accuracy requirements.

Taking measurements is as fast as you want  them to be, you can survey by stopping to each geo point or survey-by-walking.

Supported survey styles examples:

  • Survey with GPS stick (traditional)
  • Survey by holder device in hand (new)
  • Survey by monopod phone holder (new)
  • Survey by GND holder on hand (new)
  • Survey by using GND cable radar holder (new)

Best usability for cable radar survey

Fieldsight® GND and GEO support easy integration with Radio Detection cable radars. We development mount for it to enable best field employee usability.

Via smooth integration, measurement is started automatically by triggering it from the cable radar depth measurement button. Data is real-time visible on the Fieldsight GIS and can be processed further into network databases.

Our solutions fulfills country based local legislation requirements such as Traficom M71 in Finland to collect cable depth information-

GND radar holder



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